Clujul e gata de iarna!

Deja încep să simt atmosfera de iarnă în oraş deşi beculeţele n-au fost încă aprinse. O fi faptul că am băut primul punch pe anul acesta (universitar) alături de o bună prietenă  şi că mi-a fost o poftă nebună de Kürtőskalács. Sau că am rămas datoare cu un pahar de vin fiert. Sau cănile de Crăciun de la Bistro Viena care îmi amintesc de unul dintre visurile mele, realizabile ce-i drept, de a petrece câteva zile într-unul dintre marile oraşe germane sau austrice care organizează târguri de Crăciun. 


Cluj 'smells' like ...winter! No really, I feel like Christmas is around the corner and is not even December, not even snowy weather, not to mention that the Christmas lights are probably going to be switched on only @ December 1st, our national day. Maybe I feel like this because I drank a delicious punch, actually the first one of this university year, with a good friend of mine, Chris. Or maybe because I ate Kürtőskalács and I don't usually do it only around winter. Not to mention the mulled wine, which I haven't tasted it yet, by the way. This year. Is all about this year. Or the lovely Christmas cups they have at Bistro Viena! They remind me of one of my achievable dreams, to spend few days in one of those German or Austrian cities where Christmas markets are so popular.

Here you have pictures made by me and my friend:

Love these cups!